Posts tagged fourteenth

Finally, summer! Windows closed, curtains closed, hiding in the darkest corner of my room to preserve the last bits of sanity. Trying to cool down in this heat seems to be as efficient as explaining to people that being skinny is not always a choice. As being not skinny is not always a choice either. A conversation that comes up more regularly during the summer break – aka body-shamers paradise, or anytime during the doctor's appointment.

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“In my opinion, empathy is an infinitely complex topic. if you deal with it, you immediately come up against hard pro and con positions. I was particularly interested in the question of how empathy affects socio-political courses and social interaction. This topic is also the basis of my new collection. In the implementation of the cooperation, however, I wanted to move away from the hard political space and travel to a warm place that is characterized by empathy at eye level.”

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Contrary to what politicians and mainstream media might tell us, the arts are essential; particularly in times like these that are brimming with fear and division. […] Seeing an act of creative expression is seeing the essence of someone’s being and reminds us of our own. Support the things that remind us of our shared humanity and expansiveness. Support the arts!

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