improper dose

Each month Improper Walls team will select brain and soulfood for you, then stir it up into a newsletter and our brand new blog.


In the West, institutions, especially those relating to arts and culture, have been challenged to end their exclusionary practices and introduce “diversity” to their institutions. Depending on the locality of the institution, differing forms of diversity ranging from gender, race, socio-economic class, migration background, language, age, etc., have been demanded by those who’ve been traditionally excluded, especially from larger institutions.

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For nearly one thousand years, man believed that space was a vacuum where nothing could survive the cold, airless environment. Only in the year 3287 AEM (after our Lord Elon Musk’s death) did the scientists of the oldest space colony, Neptune, find evidence that this entire time, space was, in fact, a thriving and writhing environment.

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