Spot The Dot & Improper Walls present:
A group exhibition and party for charity
Why we rebel
Skin cancer is in the top 3 of most common cancer types amongst young people and most of them are not aware of that! Research showed that people in the younger age categories check their skin least of all, while early detection can be crucial. This was the main motivation for Spot the Dot to ask people to rebel against the ignorance about skin cancer.
Michael Hacker (www.michaelhacker.at)
Peter Phobia (Peter Phobia)
Martyn Mills (Martyn Marsland Mills)
Chris Versteeg (Chris Versteeg)
Emanuel Jesse (EMANUELJESSE-studio)
Death and Loori (https://deathandloori.com/)
Bernhard Kettner (BLK)
Nita (nita. studio für visuelle gestaltung.)
Katharina Löffelmann (https://www.behance.net/loeffelfrab17c)
Mariella Lehner (ML)
Flö Rastbichler (http://elopedthought.tumblr.com/)
Barbara Moura (Bárbara Moura)
Rob Perez (Rob Perez)
Gitty Scholz
Maria Viola
Marnie Higgs www.marniehiggs.com
Michael Pasterk www.michaelpasterk.com
David Sciarone http://davidsciarone.tumblr.com/
I Met Lucy
MUSIC BY: Dizzy Dee Mischgeschick
SUPPORTED BY Get Out www.getout-me.com
WE LOVE Montana Cans (official) for enabling us to rebel and do a big mural beforehand on May 5 during Blockparty 2017
A big shout out to all artists and:
Viadukt Screen Prints
Farbraum Wien
digital-workshop.at - WordPress Entwicklung & Wartung
Christian Fischer
BLAEK Design Studio
Ü Lokal

Supported by BV 15.
Photos: Tim Cavadini
- Posted in 2017