DEMYSTIFYING FEMININITY is the title of a 3-week long exhibition project which includes a group art show, discussions, artist talks, stand up comedy and workshops throughout the three weeks program.
We launched an open call to encourage local and international artists (especially women and LGBTQI+ community) from different fields of visual and applied arts to apply and present diverse approaches on the concept femininity. Artists were invited to explore, demystify, question and redefine the concept, whether it was through a social, personal, political or corporeal approach.
The exhibition aims to open up a dialogue between artworks/artists and public to question and reflect the contemporary connotation of the concept femininity, sexuality and gender roles. The artworks subvert, at the same time surrender and challenge the archetypes of femininity.
These aesthetical observations become metaphors of how to look at the broader issues of empowerment, gender roles, questions of personal identity, beauty, politics, hegemony, labour, patriarchy, popular culture and societal expectations.
June 7 // 19:00
Alexa Wilson, Anthia Loizou, Berivan Sayici, Bojana Stamenkovic, Eden Mitsenmacher Tordjman, Ernst Miesgang, Eva Zar, Julia Belova, Julia Heinisch, Karine Blanche, Raffael Miribung, Maria Hera, Marie Carangi, Mirjana Mustra, Nana Mandl, Pedro Del Real Lavergnel, Pussy Propeller, Sandra Österberg Brolin, Stephanie Honeder, Zahra Shahabi "Z"
Artist talks:
June 7 // 19:00
Eva Zar is a New-York based artist and fashion photographer with Russian roots, who grew up in Vienna, Austria. Awarded a Michael C. Toth scholarship and a Provost scholarship she started her Master of Fine Arts with a major in photography at the renowned Parsons School of Design in 2016.
June 28 // 19:00
Bojana Stramenkovic is a visual artist, cultural worker, and activist in the field of women's rights and cultural awakening in underdeveloped areas. After an extensive experience in the NGO sector of the Serbian culture scene, Bojana is currently studying and working in the management team for the post-graduate master program ecm - educating/curating/managing at the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
EVENTS during 3 weeks exhibition project
June 9 // 19:00 - Nail Art Workshop
Pussy Propeller show their personal favorite nail designs as part of the exhibition and invite everybody to join their NAIL ART WORKSHOP
June 13 // 18:30 - Femininity and Humor
As an accompaniment to the exhibition, we will host one evening of live performances in the form of stand-up comedy/poetry slam aimed at uncovering the comical and lighthearted side of the topic “what is femininity?”
Participants: Denice Bourbon, Alice Reichmann, Anna-Lena Obermoser, Veza Maria Fernandez Wenger, Dutzi Bullard-Ijsenhower, Kit S Trophy, Toller & Tallis, Towander Flagg, Julischka Stengele, Azra, Pato Wiesauer, Lau Lukkarila, Karine Blanche & Laura Mosquera
June 21 // 19:00 - Discussion & Performance
In the last phase of the exhibition “Demystifying Femininity”, experts from different academic and activist fields focussing on questions of gender and identity are invited to discuss the title giving topic “Demystifying Femininity”.
Moderator: Elisabeth Hinkel
Performance by Hyeji Nam
June 30 // 22:00 - Closing event ||| Improper Walls 3rd Anniversary @ Celeste
Denice Bourbon
That Good Ẅibe Collective
Angi Amok + Michi Massaka
H∆NN∆ (Stirnlampe)
DJ Darky Dark
Supported by BV 15.