©Ale Zapata

Finally, I have nothing to say!
See the content below.

-by Barbora Horská (Curator / Editor-in-chief of Improper Dose)

This is how I usually start writing these editorials. And then I remember everything that is going on around us and the number of things I'm not even aware yet of happening, and what follows is what you can choose to read or skip every month when our newsletter lands in your mailbox.

Today, however, feels different. No matter how much our society chooses to glorify "hustling" and "work under pressure" (who wouldn't want to be a diamond, right?), there is a difference between a spark of creativity and burn-out. Fire, like any other element, needs attention and moderation. We all know this cliche phrase, but how many of us actually consider it in our decision-making? It is so tempting to accept that new task, add another project, or get to know that new person even though we barely have time for those we are already committed to. What we might not realize at that moment when we follow our passions is the other side of that assignment (or desire). Overcommitment or ignorance of what we can actually handle can create more than just "disappointment." When we choose to hide that we are juggling one too many things (or people) at once, we are preventing the other person, be it a colleague, a boss, friend, or potential lover, from making a conscious choice about their involvement. And that is, among other hurtful things, a considerable disrespect. 

To be fair, sometimes, especially in a work setting, we have little to no choice. No judgment for those who feel their ability to provide for basic needs might be jeopardized by setting up a boundary. While some bosses are just unaware of the reality of their employee's capacity and are willing to make changes when finally encountering it, others simply don't care. Enabling toxic behavior should never be an answer no matter how safe that comfort zone might feel, but maybe let's not preach about self-worth to someone making a temporary sacrifice for survival. 'Temporary' and 'survival' being the key words here. 

Choose your battles, I mean luxuries, wisely, and maybe one day we will meet in a world where our worth is not measured by material things, social status, or how precisely we follow another man's traditions. 

Until then, read through our interview with artist Adam Engler about the struggles of migrants and LGBTQI+ families in Slovakia and what place numerology and tarot play in his work.

And whether you got a chance to visit Hospitable Utopia at Improper Walls in the previous weeks or not, you can now learn more about the work of featured artists Verena Tscherner and Dejan Klement below. 

Besides that, you can look forward to another episode of Pedro del Real's adventures through the history of the internet and a special spooky story by our new contributor Tilka Materna. 

See you next month! Hopefully, a bit more rested.