-by Justina Špeirokaité (Curator at Improper Walls)

©Nino Werner

©Nino Werner

  • What is ArtCade and who is behind it?

    ArtCade is a podcast about the art game in Vienna. It is hosted by Deadbeat Hero, a Cuban-American street artist currently living in Vienna. With graphics created by Nino Werner, an Austrian artist currently living in Wels. 

    The discussions are in English and span from 45 mins to 2.5 hours depending on the guest. It is an open discussion format that allows the guest to speak freely and intimately about their life, their art, and their views.

artcade Deadbeat Hero.jpeg
  • Future plans, vision, goals?

    Our Future plans are to speak with as many willing and open local artists in Vienna, or who have a connection to Vienna. We are looking for active artists who have been on their art journey for a while and who are able to share their experiences, successes, and failures with us. All art mediums are welcome.

    Our Vision is to create an archive of the art scene in Vienna, a verbal photo album. We believe that artists can learn so much from each other and it is important to give them a platform to share. On a personal note, since I am not from Vienna, I love to learn about how the art community has progressed, and how different artists view the scene. 

    Our goal is to keep speaking with influential people in vienna. Hopefully these conversations can be somehow beneficial to the art community.

  • Where to listen?

    You can listen on Podbean. Also available on Itunes, Spotify, and Google play.