Social inequalities specifically show their true colours in times of crises
- Anna-Laura Schreilechner, Improper Walls advisor
“Due to the coronavirus pandemic various measures have been taken that severely affect everyday life. Certain measures and the overall situation have a stronger impact on some people than on others. Who can take shelter? Who can afford high-quality internet access and the adequate technical equipment for home-schooling their kids? Who is living in a refugee centre that is put under quarantine and watched by police? Who is stopped more frequently by the police when taking a stroll around the neighbourhood to stay sane? Who is “inside” the borders and who is kept “outside”? Inequality and a longstanding (global) disequilibrium become currently more visible and graspable than it already does in times not termed as “crisis”. Social inequalities specifically show their true colours in times of crises.
The current situation entails a Covid-19-driven (social) media coverage, with a focus on Covid-19 measures, certain politicians’ views, different forms of (sometimes misleading) data or even fake news (especially on social media). Therefore, many important issues – which would need immediate attention – are overshadowed by Covid-19.
By consuming well-chosen and fact-checked critical news, which put a focus on issues that might not be covered by mainstream media, and getting in touch with people fighting for the same cause(s), we can stay active, even though we are mostly trapped at home.
Let’s take care of ourselves and each other as well as stay active and alert, to demonstrate that we are many (#wirsindviele) standing together to point out alarming developments and to criticise certain day-to-day politics and old and new policies that only benefit those already wealthy and powerful, instead of promoting fair distribution and equal rights for everyone.
“You have to act as if it were possible to radically transform the world. And you have to do it all the time.”
― Angela Davis”
See a plethora of relevant information from Ana's curated list:
Staying active, showing solidarity:
Undocumented persons in Austria need to be provided with free of cost medical care
The corona pandemic is a major challenge for all of us. Many measures are taken to slow the spread of the virus. In this way, the necessary capacities can be created so that everyone who needs it can be supplied. Many people in systemically relevant professions are doing incredible things to keep life going for all of us. Whoever can stay at home. Anyone suspected of being infected called 1450. But this is not possible for everyone. An important risk group is overlooked: people without regular residence status.
The corona pandemic is a major challenge for all of us. Many measures are taken to slow the spread of the virus. In this way, the necessary capacities can be created so that everyone who needs it can be supplied. Many people in systemically relevant professions are doing incredible things to keep life going for all of us. Whoever can stay at home. Anyone suspected of being infected called 1450. But this is not possible for everyone. An important risk group is overlooked: people without regular residence status.
What can you do?
Sign a petition: #undokumentiertgesund
Violence against women*
The exit restrictions are a psychological burden for many, but especially when it comes to the situation of women, women's shelters and criminologists are warning of an increase in domestic violence.
Organisations to contact/consult:
Verein Autonome Frauenhäuser
Website |
Instagram |
Frauenhelpline: 0800/222555
Gewaltschutzzenten Österreich
Refugees stranded in camps (in Greece)
#Leavenoonebehind #Letthemin #WirhabenPlatz
The situation in refugee camps in Greece, e.g. in Moria (but not only in Greece, also across the so-called Balkan route and beyond “European borders”) is devastating. It was described as dangerous (due to anti-refugee violence), scant water, no electricity, appalling hygiene, lack of shelters, little medical care, etc. Recently in Lesbos, then additionally specifically (e.g.) in Moria, cases of Covid-19 were reported. This fact, especially with the conditions on the spont in mind, is highly alarming and worrisome. The camps need to be evacuated immediately. European states need to take responsibility and allow people their rights to apply for asylum and receive adequate protection.
Many European countries, among them Austria, are not willing to take responsibility and provide protection. This is more than just unacceptable.
When it comes to Austria (and other regions) it is important to mention that it is highly irresponsible how the situation is handled and far from human dignity and human rights. Not enough - the current situation, in which many people are insecure due to the corona virus, is used by some politicians and politicial influencers to stir up fears and create enemy images on the back of people fleeing from wars, torture and destruction. These are racist approaches that are clearly to be rejected and condemned.
What can you do?
1. Stay safe, stay informed and make your environment aware that it is very possible to fight Covid-19 at the same time and to offer protection and security to people fleeing war within the EU (and beyond) is also the be-all and end-all. Tell people via video-chat or as an Instagram story.
2. Sign important petitions:
Stand by me Lesvos
Seebrücke - #leavenoonebehind
Urgent Letter
Offener Brief zur Aufnahme von Geflüchteten aus den griechischen Lagern
3. Use your network and/or get in touch with other activists to start campaigns and create ideas together.
4. Use your platforms to spread information, petitions, actions to make the public and politics aware of the fact that refugees need to be taken in.
5. Stay informed, spread the news.
Organisations, initiatives, projects
Organisations, initiatives, projects in this phase (before, during and after)
Afro Rainbow Austria – von und für LGTBIQ+ Migrant*innen aus afrikanischen Ländern
Website |
Instagram |
Asylkoordination Österreich
Website |
Instagram |
Dokustelle – Islamfeindlichkeit und antimuslimischer Rassismus
Website |
Instagram |
Flüchtlinge Willkommen Österreich
Website |
Instagram |
Facebook |
IDB – Initiative diskriminierungsfreies Bildungswesen
Website |
LEFÖ – Beratung, Bildung und Begleitung für Migrant*innen
Website |
maiz – autonomes zentrum von und für migrantinnen
Website |
Plattform für eine menschliche Asylpolitik
Website |
Instagram |
Poika – Verein zur Förderung von gendesensibler Bubenarbeit
Website |
Facebook |
Queer Base - Welcome and Support for LGBTIQ Refugees
Website |
Instagram |
Facebook |
Schwarze Frauen Community
Website |
Instagram |
SOS Mitmensch
Website |
Verein Autonome Frauenhäuser
Website |
Instagram |
Verein Flüchtlingsprojekt Ute Bock
Website |
SOS Balkanroute
ZARA – Zivilcourage und Anti-Rassismus-Arbeit
Website |
Instagram |
Initiatives for being active and showing solidarity throughout the Convid-19 crisis
Initiative Verkäufer*innen WERTschätzen
Initiative APPRECIATION for salespersons in supermarkets
“Our salespeople endanger their own health to take care of us. Due to the current state of emergency, they are exposed to high physical and psychological stress, hardly take breaks, show strong nerves and are simply, along with many other professional groups, our heroes in crisis.
This is a call to give a small amount of gratitude when shopping necessary. With thousands of customers, a few cents make a big difference. After receiving the receipt, simply make a personal statement of the VALUE.
Special offers for those affected by poverty and/or homelessness
Wiener Hilfswerk
Verein MUT
VinziRast – Platz für Menschlichkeit
Caritas (Gruft, Suppenbus, etc.)
#aufstehn – Verein zur Förderung zivilgesellschaftlicher Partizipation
Website |
Support or start your own petition:
The corona crisis must not be at the expense of women!
Basic Income throughout the Corona Crisis
Fairness for care work
Organization of the change of nursing staff in 24h care, from Romania and other countries
Lease freeze throughout the corona crisis
… and so many more (this list is by no means exhaustive)
Staying informed:
Important links, media
Information on Corona measures (and their impact) in different languages
The City of Vienna offers multilingual information on #Corona. Any questions can be answered in over 20 languages.
Queer Base - Welcome and Support for LGBTIQ Refugees provides information on #Corona, rights to asylum, updates on asylum processes in this exceptional time.
Important links for self-employed musicians and creative/cultural industries
By “The Nest”
Online shopping - Support your local shops
Nunukaller |
Media that covers the “different” kind of Covid-19-issues and beyond
MOSAIK – politik neu zusammensetzen
Website |
an.schläge – Das feministische Magazin
Website |
Website |
Moment / Momentum
Website |
Website |
… and so many more (this list is by no means exhaustive)
Filing an objection to arbitrary penalties (issued by the police) due to Covid-19 exit restrictions
Persons who have received completely arbitrary injunctions in Vienna for violating the exit restrictions are calling more and more often at the social advice centres, refugee associations and asylum coordination.
The magistrate also writes in the rulings that the deadline for the objection is NOT interrupted, an objection is therefore only possible for 2 weeks. Fast action is therefore necessary.
DIAKONIE offers legal advice against these rulings and helps in bringing in the appeals. Refugees should therefore contact the Diakonie by phone or electronically if they have received a penalty for violating the exit restrictions. A personal visit to the advice centers is not necessary (and not possible), but the counselors can also clarify by telephone and via social media (using a photo) whether an objection is still possible.
So that everything does not concentrate on one of our advice centers, DIAKONIE has divided the responsibilities. Affected parties should contact:
>>up to 25 years: Mozaik youth counseling center, tel. 01/3439595 - 8217, email:, Facebook:
>>from the age of 26: Social Counseling Center Vienna, Tel. 01/4056295, Email:
>>refugee women: Vienna Women's Advice Center, Tel. 0664/88632853, email:
If people cannot get through right away, it is suggested to try more often or write an email.
People can also contact ZARA if they feel that the police action is racially motivated. The ZARA office is currently open Mon-Fri from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and can be reached by phone: +43 (0) 1 929 13 99. Free and anonymous advice is also available online: consultation.
Psychological support
HEMAYAT – Betreuungszentrum für Folter- und Kriegsüberlebende
(Counselling center for torture and war survivors)
Website |
Info sheets by the BÖP – Berufsverband Österreichischer Psycholog*innen in different languages
Website |
Infos on how to take good care of oneself in different languages
RAT auf Draht - Counselling for kids and youth
Website |
Psychological support by the Psychological Counseling Centers
(Sociopolitical) Podcasts and Online-Festivals
International Roma-Day
All the analogue events, planned in the framework of the international Roma day on April 8th had to be cancelled. Roma and Sinti are, in this phase, especially affected by antigypsyist discrimination and violence.
Learn more about the situation and follow organisations combatting antigypsyism and fighting for equal rights:
Romano Centro |
Voice of Diversity |
Romblog Austria |
Verein Hango Roma
Here you find an Online-Alternative to the Roma-Biennale
Tupodcast of Tupoka Ogette
Facebook |
For now especially the episodes during the Covid-19 phase
Episode 8: Tupoka Ogette and Alice Hasters
Episode 9: Tupoka Ogette and Tayo Awosusi-Onutor
Tupoka Ogette HÖRBUCH (audio book) of Tupoka Ogette’s book “EXIT racism”
Denice Bourbon – Now Back To Me!
Website |
Website |
Documentary Movies