~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I. Discussion "Art for human rights" - 18:00 Moderator Anna Schreilechner Panel discussion attendees: ❀ Mani Froh (Frohsinn) ❀ Rob Ayers (dysomnia.com) ❀ Pedro del Real Lavergne ❀ Candy & Robin (Pussy Propeller) ❀ Justina Speirokaite (Improper Walls) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ II. Dance performance “Room for manoeuvre” - 19:30 by Ana Castro & Ana Gomes
"Everything in life comes to an end at some point. Some people feel like fate is putting stones on their way and experience it in a negative way while others move abroad to be in a different environment. Our approach was to see the situation in a easy going way (after an ending). We still have room for manoeuvre after an "Adios"."
About the dancers: Ana Castro & Ana Gomes both came from Escola Superior de Dança de Lisboa, Portugal and they are this year in Vienna as Erasmus students to finish dance bachelor at MUK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ III. Dramatized Reading ""rights-paper-scissors" - 20:30 by Pedro del Real Lavergne
rights-paper-scissors Human Rights’ textual and factual transgressions
In “rights-paper-scissors” human rights are considered both as a human desire for humankind’s improvement as well as a goal which we have shamefully not achieved. These two interplaying realities are presented through the text known as the “Universal Human Rights Declaration” and the use of torture by western governments.
The format of the performance is a dramatized reading, where the author will bomb the audience with concepts, ideas and actions that will invite them to reconsider the current status of human rights. Expect images, words and gifts.
About the author: Pedro del Real Lavergne (Barcelona, 1990) is a person, who finds it difficult to talk about himself in third person. He lives in Vienna, works in a carton boxes factory and spends much of his time writing, reading and watching Youtube videos about reptilian conspiracies. He is also a political scientist, but that has not helped him for much (economically).