OPEN CALL - mental health awareness month

A group exhibition to shed light on some of the symptoms common in a variety of mental illnesses and through that help to get rid of shame of experiencing them.

©Kata Anna Tüz

©Kata Anna Tüz

Group Exhibition (mental health awareness month)




No two mental health journeys are exactly alike. We all experience symptoms differently and internalize life’s challenges in different ways. However, a common thread does exist for most people living with mental illness — the underlying shame associated with an atypical mind. 

Shame has the power to silence. It boxes us into tight corners and holds our mouths shut. At its worst, it can radically alter our perception of self, making us believe we are broken and beyond repair. In many ways, shame is the universal symptom. Something we can all relate to, in one way or another. It is the ultimate barrier to a happier life and the first thing to overcome on the journey to self-betterment. For mental health awareness month, we’re asking artists to bring the experience of shame to life. In what ways does shame change how we see ourselves and the world around us? How does it interact with other, more clinical mental health symptoms? How does it keep us quiet? 

With the exhibition Improper Walls invites all artists, whether they’ve experienced this themselves, know someone who has, or relates to the theme of shame accompanying mental health issues in any way, to reflect, tell stories and share experiences through their work.
Art plays a big role as a mediator in creating awareness about various matters and one of our focuses as a gallery is talking about such issues. We are very happy to once again have a chance to collaborate with Made of Millions (after 2020’s NO ONE TOLD ME) on a group exhibition to shed light on some of the symptoms common in a variety of mental illnesses and through that help to get rid of shame of experiencing them.

This open call is a collaboration between Improper Walls, a cultural platform and alternative space that supports artists in realizing their vision, brings art to new eyes, and creates awareness around matters that intrigue us and Made of Millions, grassroots mental health advocacy platform on a mission to change how the world perceives mental health.


The selection will be held by the curatorial team of Improper Walls.

Start of the open call:   01 February 2021

Deadline of the open call:   15 March 2021

Announcement of selected artists:   3rd of April, 2021

Exhibition and related events will take place: 25th of April - 2nd of June, 2021


Open to: all local and international artists. Artists may apply as individuals or as a group

Media: unrestricted (poetry & essays / illustration / painting / graphic / video / performance / photography / sculpture / installation / mixed media / digital art)

Applications should include:

  • Written concept of the project/idea/artwork. (max. 1 A4 page)

  • Visualised concept: photo/image/link to a video/sketch

  • Argumentation of why it would fit this exhibition

Languages: German, English, Spanish

Please keep in mind that the artwork can be incomplete at the time of application and depending on its’ nature and place of exhibition may require adjustments. We invite you to work together with us on the realisation of the artwork.

Entries are only accepted via email to with the email subject line “OPEN CALL”.

There are no fees for applying and no limitations to the amount of applications per person.

Production and shipping costs are not covered.