Iustas. Live painting project #2 is a collaboration between Improper Walls and das möbel > das café in Vienna. Improper Walls curates a wall inside the coffeehouse twice a year and this the second artist invited - Iustas - Lithuanian artist based in Vienna.
The mural will be officially presented to the public on 25th of October during a live painting event with DJ and special food & drink offers by café möbel and sponsors.
Improper Walls is going to keep on inviting multicultural international artists every 5 to 7 months to paint the back wall of the coffeehouse. The selection can be done accordingly to the shows at Improper Walls or independently.
- Likes eating, dancing and cuddling.
- Demonizes zucchini and eggplant.
- Is fond of clouds and people. Also fluffy pets (Augustin is his favorite)
- In his work he likes to reflect social topics and situations floating around him in life.
- Easily amazed by memes.
From "La musique" by Etron Fou Leloublan to 5K HD's "What if I" and Jurgis Did with "Do you own your demons?"
All the way back to Millie Jackson, War and The Temptations.
P.S. "If you find Iggy Pop in the mix, the DJ pays a drink!!!"