-by Andrea Zapanta Scharf

According to Jungian psychology, the Shadow consists of aspects of ourselves that we’ve rejected due to pain and shame we experienced as a consequence of exhibiting these personality traits.
These can be both negative and positive traits, ie: anger, aggression, selfishness, sexual desire, assertiveness, ambition, beauty, creativity etc. These traits are then suppressed and hidden away deep in our subconscious forming the Shadow; the “dark” side of our personality we are ashamed of.

It is only once we are able to give our Shadow what it needs (ie: acknowledgement, acceptance, compassion, love) and no longer feel shame around it, that that we can accept ourselves as whole beings and move closer to being free from unhealthy and harmful behaviors, ie: addiction, violence, self-loathing, self-sabotage etc. that manifest as a way for the Shadow to express itself.
What you don’t own about yourself, owns you.

Many things that cause us mental anguish and pain tend to be things about ourselves, or things we have experienced, that we abhor or are ashamed of. Shadow work is a challenging and emotional journey to accept and integrate these aspects and move closer towards acceptance of the whole self.

Andrea Zapanta Scharf is a freelance illustrator and artist from New York City, currently based in Vienna, Austria. Her work is rooted in finding and expressing a playful spirit and radiating joy, beauty and humor through various forms including illustration, animation, mixed-media collage, product/surface design, paper sculpture, and more.