#S H E L T E R I N P O E M S

I love poetry - both reading and writing. Recently I have found a great initiative that aims to highlight the benefits of poetry during challenging times in life and as I have myself experienced how poems can help emotional healing, I would like to share this with you:

The Academy of American Poets introduced National Poetry Month (in the United States) in 1996 and since then celebrates poetry as a way to increase awareness and appreciation in the month of April. This year the topic is Shelter In Poems - focusing on poems that help find courage, solace and actionable energy. 

Everyone around the globe is invited to share poems on twitter, facebook and instagram with the hashtag #ShelterInPoems and also write a few lines about their personal connection to the poem. Check out some responses on https://poets.org/shelter-poems and share poems yourself - to help encourage others and maybe find some comfort connecting to a worldwide community.

POETRYAle Zapatafirst