
-By Barbora Horská

Welcome to the 4th edition of the Improper Dose!

This week we reached out to some of our favourite Viennese collectives (and individuals) to ask them, how are they doing/coping/adapting to these strange times we are all still experiencing. 

Under the restrictive measures, many sectors (and cultural one especially) were forced to come up with alternative solutions for their usual activities, switching from galleries and clubs to virtual space, trying to bring their audience some quality content at least through live streamings and online workshops (or very cool newsletters as I heard). 

Many artists and non-profit organizations (including us) might have been struggling to survive even before this crisis, so now might be the time to really show each other support and solidarity.

Showing your appreciation by purchasing the artworks is the best and mutually beneficial way to do it, but sometimes, you can also do much just by sharing the content on social media, reacting to posts or donating few spare bucks on patreon. 

And as we all have different needs, it’s always good to ask. 

Read through our interviews with Tony Renaissance and team members from Les Nouveaux Riches, Mz*Baltazar's Lab, Porn Film Festival Vienna and Kids of Diaspora and get some more insights from Barbara Moura in our renewed ARTIST VIEW section. 

Find your love language.

You can do it all with our very personal (and very diverse) selection of music playing in the background and when your brain starts to melt from all the information, you can try to unplug it through some online games and collaborative open-source projects we shared in extras (along with other interesting content).

And as we can’t wait to meet with you all again in person, we prepared some of these treats as an introduction to our upcoming (previously postponed as well as new) shows! So get to know some of the artists and topics before it all begins.

Also some chaotic cooking.

Humble, but still rocking,

Barbora, Ale and Eli <3