- by Urte Speirokaite (Curator at Improper Walls)

Arts and Sport. Something that shouldn’t go together, right? Or at least some would say..

So many stereotypes on both sides, but where is the fun? The true essence behind chasing the ball on a courtyard…

Unlike professional athletes, artists have the freedom to actually enjoy it. No stress. Their game is not spoiled by pressure from making a one bad move that could end their whole career.
Those fun things we shout out loud when we make a strike or videos we share, personal blogs we write. Yes, enthusiasm, that’s the stuff!

But what about those athletes now, what do they do to release stress? Do they write or paint, make music? To balance exactly that one thing we are using to balance ourselves?

So to follow up with the topic of Obsessions, we approached all time favorite basketball team FC Flamingo chairman/match streaming master/blogger Clemens Wenger and asked him to share his obsession.

And…Clemens Wenger is obsessed with bathtubs.

I‘m obsessed with taking baths for as long as I can remember. I love the climate and sound of this micro environment. When on tour as a musician, I urge the receptionist for a room with a bathtub. I don‘t need yoga classes or meditation to find life balance. The bathtub is my „place to be“. For the last 38 years, I have been perfecting my bathing ritual. To share my obsession with you, I‘ll present you my life‘s work:

Bathtub Manifesto (obsessed with bathing since 1982)

  1. Goosebumps rule. Play with temperature differences, above and underwater (e.g. try moving a leg out of the water), to stimulate your skin.

  2. Get in while the water level is still low. 

  3. Listen to the sound of water pouring in, it‘s beautiful.

  4. Don‘t go too hot with water temperature, approximately 39 degrees C is good.

  5. No disturbance. Lock the door. It‘s not the office.

  6. Food or drinks will „water“ your experience. Stay pure.

  7. Inspirational reading is allowed in small doses.

  8. Use bath salts parsimoniously. For in-between bathing sessions, only use soap towards the end.

  9. Try bathing at various times of the day. You can’t go wrong here. 

  10. Don‘t feel bad about wasting water. Use your lifted spirit to change the world for the better once out of the bathtub!

    © Clemens Wenger