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“Just give me something I could die for
Take me somewhere you could kill”

Obsession, as in the dictionary, is „a persistent preoccupation, idea, or feeling; the act of obsessing or the state of being obsessed“. It‘s a very strong emotion which does not seem to be too good or too healthy at first. Nevertheless, we still decided to make „Obsessions“ the theme of this Improper Dose Edition. 

As we grow up, we learn to get rid of being too emotional or passionate about things. We learn to control our emotions - stop being loud, stop crying, stop being angry about things. We basically learn to get numb. But exactly these passionate feelings, just like an obsession over something or someone, get things rolling. These are the feelings which show us new perspectives, open up new doors and new paths. Improper Dose for example started by all of us talking about what we like to such an extent, that we wanted to share it with you. We wanted to show you what we burn for, what we love and what makes us happy and gives us motivation or hope. 

In this edition we do not only want to show you our real obsessions, but also our obsessions‘ obsessions. What do those who we admire admire? What makes them burn? We want to explore the passion that sparks a fire. 

curator at Improper Walls