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DEADLINE September 10, 2024

We are expanding our curatorial team with one guest curator in 2025. We are seeking applications with an exhibition proposal that aligns with our values and responsibilities.

IMPROPER WALLS is a multidisciplinary, intercultural initiative founded in 2014 as an art association in Vienna's 15th district that aims to redefine art and cultural curating by recognizing the social and cultural dimensions of both artworks and curatorial work.

A team of curators and cultural organizers work as enablers and facilitators of cultural impact and social change by initiating a series of events and multidimensional projects that represent diverse identities, values, and interests. In this way, we promote cultural resilience and consider how cultural background (i.e., culture, cultural values, language, customs, norms) helps individuals and communities overcome adversity.

Over the years of work, the team focused on the responsibility they have as an arts and cultural organization to advance social change, raise critical consciousness, foster community and empathy, and make a positive impact on the world. Providing opportunities for people to come together and share their stories in various forms of art events helps us find common ground. It is an effective way to combat racism and nationalism not only in our communities but beyond.

If you have an exhibition proposal that you believe would perfectly complement the Improper Walls program for 2025, we encourage you to apply! The proposal does not need to be final; we are always happy to develop and finalize the exhibition together.

Please note that each show we organize is accompanied by a public program designed to activate the exhibition and offer multiple angles to the explored theme. Your proposal should, therefore, contain a series of events to engage the audience, such as live performances, collective readings, walks, workshops, etc.


We offer curator and artist fees, gallery space, support for exhibition setup, communications assistance, coverage of opening hours, and potential travel expenses. If a larger exhibition budget is required, the curator is responsible for additional fundraising.

Find the gallery floor plan here.


Please complete the application form by September 10, 2024, 23:59 (CET):