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bal conference 2024

bal conference 2024
repeated words lose their meaning

October 4-5, 2024

Screenings, presentations, discussions and afterparty

October 4, 6-9 PM


Marija Kapajeva, the enforced memory (2022), 13 min
Marija Kapajeva, 10 Ways Not To Become the Invisible Woman After 40 (2020), 8 min
Natasha Nedelkova, Identity Tissues (2020), 12min 26s
Teja Miholič, Nuclear Force is the Most Powerful Force in the World (2021), 3 min
Teja Miholič, So That Humanity Can Survive
(2019), 7 min

Location: Improper Walls, Reindorfgasse 42, 1150 Vienna

October 5, 11 AM-4:30 PM

Presentations, discussions

Augustas Čičelis, Viktorija Kolbešnikova, Sveta Grigorjeva, Nina Dragičević, Hana Ćurak

Moderators: Hana Čeferin, Luīze Nežberte

Location: Seminar Raum 2 at Angewandte (University of Applied Arts Vienna), 1010 Wien, Oskar-Kokoschka-Platz 2 & ONLINE

11 - 11:30 AM
Arriving, coffee, tea

11:30 - 11:55 AM
Introduction, welcoming speech, presenting the new issue of the bal publication

12:00 - 12:30 PM
Augustas Čičelis, Viktorija Kolbešnikova
Queer archiving as (self)empowerment
“išgirsti” queer archive

12:30 - 1:00 PM
Hana Ćurak
Language and idealogy in Sve su to vještice memes

1:00 - 1:30 PM
First discussion


3 - 3:30 PM
Nina Dragičević
Auditory Poverty and its Discontents

3:30 - 4:00 PM
Sveta Grigorjeva
On being a „female poet“ and an „Estonian-Russian identity-poet“ in 21. century Estonia

4:00 - 4:30 PM
Second discussion

October 5, 10 PM


In collaboration with the Queer Yugo Pop Party
celeste, Hamburgerstraße 18, 1050 Wien

Supported by

MA7, BMKÖS, Lithuanian Council for Culture, Lithuanian Embassy in Vienna, SKICA, University of Applied Arts Vienna


Hana Čeferin, Merete Väin, Urtė Špeirokaitė, Julija Karimžanova, Miloš Vučićević, Ajda Ana Kocutar, Justina Špeirokaitė

Graphic design

René Vogelmann

Earlier Event: September 18
repeated words lose their meaning