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IMPROPER READING: Circle no. 3 moderated by Lina Piskernik

Circle no. 3
moderated by Lina Piskernik

June 15, 6 PM
at Improper Walls

Our third IMPROPER READING will take place during the HAST DU LUST? program.

The project Hast du lust? invites us to look at social phenomenons from a different perspective, to recognize neglected parts of ourselves mirrored in another's intimate story but also to contemplate the role of a bystander –responsibility and the consequences of being the one who watches.

Invited guest:
Lina Piskernik, writer

Reading material:
1. Rose Cartwright, 100% Bad (“Pure”). 2019, pp 156-161. (in English)
2. Amia Srinivasan, Does anyone have the right to sex? 2018, (in English)
3. Lina Piskernik, Roger and Me, (series "Plant Lover"). 2021, (in English)

Interested in taking part?! To request the texts, write us at:

Lina Piskernik is an Austrian-American writer residing in Vienna. Besides writing plant & fungi lover stories, she also enjoys daydreaming about the end of capitalism.

This event is part of the public of the HAST DU LUST? program curated by Improper Walls.

Supported by BMKOES and MA7