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IMPROPER EXPLORING: Performance INMI by Alex Zehetbauer

Performance INMI by Alex Zehetbauer

May 20, 7 PM
at Improper Walls

This performance is a song massage for the audience. Pieces of a never-ending melody caress them from different directions. Like the tentacles of a beautiful monster reaching out to touch or an omnipresent ocean crashing on the shores of their skin. Sung text is used to generate a visual mythology that is not physically in the room, but rather created through sung words that guide the imaginations of the audience. The title “INMI” comes from “involuntary musical imagery” otherwise known as earworm, sticky music, stuck song.

Alex Franz Zehetbauer is a sonic choreographer, performance artist, and singer based in Vienna. He studied vocal performance, dance, acting and composition at the Experimental Theater Wing at NYU Tisch School of the Arts and the International Theater Workshop in Amsterdam. Alex has been awarded the BKA Startstipendium für Musik und Darstellende Kunst (2018), the TURBO Residency - ImPulsTanz (2018), the TQW Training Scholarship (2019), and the danceWEB Scholarship (2019).

This event is part of the public of the Me, Masculine program curated by Improper Walls.


Supported by BMKOES and MA7