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"Established in 2019, the Improper Fine Art Print Fair is the largest and most celebrated art fair dedicated to the artistic medium of printmaking. Each yearโ€™s Fair presents an unrivaled opportunity to view and acquire outstanding works! "
-our mom, bragging about our greatness-

- Not joke part -

Raise your hand if you want amazing and affordable prints!
Raise your hand if you want to participate in a Cyanotype workshop!
Raise your hand if you want to mingle with the nicest crowd!


6.9. 6PM - 10PM
7.9. 2PM - 10PM

(Reindorfgassenfest 2019)

Artworks by:

Studio Walls:
ลชla ล veikauskaitฤ—, Visual Stamina -x, Iustas, Linda Steiner, Things Dre Makes, Axel Schindler, Markus Tozzer.

The Vienna-based micro-publishing house and RISO printing studio.

Improper Walls online shop:
Asta Cink, alessandro_cripsta, Deadbeat Hero, HNRX, Kingas.grapes, Made by Martyn, Mรผnster Studio, Peter Phobia, Perkup, Riccardo Guasco, Uli Frey, Vitรณria Monteiro, Andrey Kasay, Blanca Amoros, nita., Sophie Esslinger, Ali Kianmehr, Elena Mildner.
