BIOSPHERE or HOW I MISSED THE TRAIN OF THOUGHT AND BEGAN WALKING ● "I wanted to show how sometimes one is lost in the most interesting places because we built up a shield which prevents us from taking it all in.
Complexity and diversity are everywhere in nature yet most of the time we don't see it anymore." ● _______________________ Carlo Zappella is a self-taught photographer and did pretty much everything one can do with a camera. From documentary to advertisement to film. They first gave him a camera when Carlo was ten. Now he landed in the world of Tableau Vivant and find himself behind an old 4x5 inch camera and with a bathroom that resembles a darkroom. Artist develops all the negatives himself. To him, photography lies somewhere between cinema and painting. What Carlo Zappella likes about photography is, that it carries a sense of realism with it. _______________________ All of the pictures are analogue Kodak large format negatives which the artist developed himself. They were scanned and digitally color graded before printing it on fine art paper. _______________________ ● Opening evening: 1.8.18 19:00 ● Live music: Niklas Satanik 20:00 Spotify/Niklas Satanik